Fall 2021
Children’s Literature in Print and Film
Modern British and American children’s literature and film adaptations of that literature produced in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The Art of Film
T Hybrid
Th 11:10am – 12:30pm
Can film be art, and if so, how does that art manifest itself on the screen? This course is concerned with the fundamental aspects of cinematic technique, the understanding of which is necessary to answer that question. We will cover the various elements of mise-en-scéne, including narrative, cinematography, editing, and sound, and consider everything within the context of form. This course features an extensive screening component. Course requirements: Weekly feature film viewing and one-page paper assignments, two quizzes and final analysis paper. Fulfills the AAI General Education category.
Special Topics: How to Read a Screenplay
M W 6-7:50pm
This course covers the fundamentals of writing for film with a focus on story structure. We will study various narrative conventions and screenwriting paradigms and look at what works and why by analyzing existing screenplays and through script to screen comparisons. Students will also examine screenplay formatting, discuss style and how to best write for film, and consider how the medium differs from other dramatic and literary forms.
The Journalist in and on Film
T 3:35-4:55pm
Th Hybrid
For many, understanding what journalists do is defined by how they are portrayed in films. From the hapless bumbler to the ambitious crusader, from the hard-bitten cynic to the power-hungry megalomaniac, Hollywood’s depictions of journalists, real or fictional, both reinforce stereotypes and provide keen insights. Viewing a wide array of films from the last 80 years, this course will offer a comprehensive look at the actions and ethics of journalists in cinema, while tracing milestones in the history of our country and of the media. As a hybrid course, we will meet once a week for discussions; with the remainder of work being done online, including a weekly film viewing blog. Fulfills the AAI General Education category.
Major Filmmakers: Polanski and Kubrick
This course will explore the work of two auteurs of cinema, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) and Roman Polanski (1933- ), who have developed similar but distinct filmmaking styles. Through close readings of their major works, including 2001: A Space Odyssey, Rosemary’s Baby, and Chinatown, and accompanying texts, students will investigate the development of each director’s style in relation to the “New Hollywood” movement of the 1960s and 70s and the scope of contemporary cinema. We will also analyze the filmmakers’ approach to genre – Film Noir, Science Fiction, the Horror Film – and literary adaptation – Macbeth, Lolita, A Clockwork Orange.
Special Topics: Review Writing
So you want to be a critic? Whether it’s weighing in on the latest controversy or recommending a must-see movie, everyone has an opinion and most people want to share that opinion through a venue that may reach, and hopefully influence, others. This online course will teach students to apply a more critical eye toward the social and cultural activities they engage in, and to shape those observations and judgments into various forms of opinion and review writing, using the same discerning measures employed by professional critics. Assignments will include writing various types of reviews and criticism, and developing personal blogs, with the goal of establishing authority and a voice on subjects students are passionate about and seek to share.
Special Topics: Medieval Film
TTh 6-7:20pm
Many people find the Middle Ages fascinating, & they mainline its imagery, narratives, & mythologies through film. This course will be an exploration of how & why the Middle Ages is represented in such colorful yet distorted ways, revealing the ideologies we nurse in our modern world. Also, the picture we get of this Middle Ages is overwhelming white & European. So we’ll go round the world from early classics like the Passion of St. Joan (1929) and Alexander Nevsky (1938) to the recent version of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, but also look at contributions from Mongolia, India, and the Middle East. Of course, we’ll talk about Beowulf and King Arthur and stuff like that too. All films will be viewable outside of class from streaming sources whenever possible. Course assignments includes two short papers and a larger semester-end project.
French Animation
TTh 11:10am -12:20pm
Description coming soon. THIS CLASS WILL BE TAUGHT IN FRENCH. Fulfills the AAI General Education category.
Introduction to Video and Film
T Th 11:10am-12:30pm
Exploration and survey of a variety of methods of video production and filmmaking using digital equipment and nonlinear editing to produce a range of films. Fulfills the AAI General Education category.
Video and Film Production
T Th 2-3:20pm
Continued exploration of a variety of methods of video and filmmaking using digital equipment and nonlinear editing software, focusing on lighting and sound techniques to produce larger team productions. Prerequisite: 50:965:125 or permission of instructor.
Directing 1
M 2:05-3:25pm
Description coming soon. Fulfills the AAI General Education category.
Special Topics: Screenwriting
T 2-4:50pm
Instruction and practice in preparing screenplays for production.
Romantic Comedy
Special Topics: in German Cinema: World War II in German Film
Special Topics: Cinema and Power
MW 3:45-5:05
History of Film II
1945 through the rise of conglomeration in the 1980s, including Film Noir, Neorealism, Japan’s Golden Age, the New Wave, the arrival of TV, the end of the Hollywood Studio System, the rise of personal cinema and the blockbuster. Second part of required course in support of the English Department’s new track in Film and Media Studies. Fulfills GCM requirement.
Special Topics: History of Animation
MW 6:00-7:20
This course covers a range of topics in animation history, production, reception, style, aesthetics, and expression. Courses may include a broad survey of innovative animators from around the world; specialty courses such as children’s animation, female animators, puppets and claymation, or anime; or signature studios such as Disney or Ghibli.
Special Topics: Terrorism and the Media
Cross-listed with 50:192:308:90
Fufills USW requirement.
European History on Film
MW 2:05-3:25 Marker
Philosophical Ideas in Film
Introduction to Video and Film
TTh 11:10-12:30
Exploration and survey of a variety of methods of video production and filmmaking using digital equipment and nonlinear editing to produce a range of films.
French Crime Cinema in Fiction
TTh 2:00-3:20
This course is taught in French.
Social Justice in Film and Literature
MW 3:45-5:05